Saturday, March 20, 2010

The world today

Before we really decide on whether we need supplements or not, let’s have a look what is happening in this day and time. Currently there’s lots of reports of pollutions. The air, land and sea are all being polluted by industralisation. It has affected the environment and created global warming and lots of mayhem. The trees and animals are all affected. The world population is growing but our food resources have not kept up with it. The way we eat these days are more sophisticated as compared to yesteryears. The land is overuse and therefore the quality of food products dependant on the land is affected. We cannot produce food as fast as we need to eat, therefore we created food the last longer in can, packets etc… But these food require preservatives and other additives to make it last longer or taste better. All these may not be good for our bodies. Fresh foods are harvested before they fully ripen so that they can be shipped off early to reach the destination just in time to ripen. Therefore the quality will not be that good. There’s lots of chemicals on the fresh food to keep away the insects. And you don’t know what they use as fertilizers to make the plants grow faster and bigger. Durians were seasonable fruits but now you can get durians all year round. The animals that we eat seemed to be fed with something to make them grow bigger and faster. I’m not sure if these will be good for our bodies when we eat these animals. The seafood that we consume may have eaten some of the contaminants in the sea or river. The contaminants may not have come from the seafood directly. It could have come from some other sea creature along the food chain.

Let’s take another look at another thing. We all know and want to be healthy. Everyone claims that they know and are eating healthily. Therefore the percentage of healthy people in this world should be large, right? In reality a huge percentage of the population is unhealthy. Diseases run rampant. Think about it. Most of the people these days die from some sort of disease instead of dying of old age. Diseases previously prevalent in the older humans are occurring in the younger ones. Why is this happening?

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